Useful Spanish and English vocabulary to help you travel around Spain…
Spanish | English |
Título | Ticket, Card |
Billete | Ticket, Card |
Estanco | Tobacconist |
Abono | Card |
Multiviaje | Multiple trip |
Personas | People |
Mayor | Older than |
Joven | Young, youth |
Viaje | Trip |
Agencia de Viaje | Travel Agency |
Al | To |
Buscador | Finder |
Clase Preferente | Business Class or First Class |
Clase Turista | Second Class |
Comprar | To buy |
Del | From |
Destino | Arrival point |
Diario | Daily |
Estación | Station |
Fecha | Date |
Horario | Time |
Línea | Line |
Llegada | Arrival |
Origen | Departure point |
Parada | Stop |
Plano | Map |
Precio | Price |
Ruta | Itinerary |
Salida | Exit/departure |
Tarifa | Fare |
Tréna | Train |
Trayecto | Itinerary |
Viaje | Trip |
Viaje de ida | Trip to |
Vuelta abierta | Open return date |
ida y vuelta | Return trip |
Sencillo | Single (one-way) |