Find out how to import a pet to Spain from outside the European Union…
If taking the pet to a country outside the EU consult the Embassy or consulate to check the local regulations.
An animal entering Spain or an EU Country from a non-EU country that has the same rabies controls need merely prove that the anti-rabies booster vaccinations are valid and up-to-date.
- SeeĀ EUROPA website
Animals from countries not included on the list need to have complete anti-rabies treatment. The Spanish Embassy in the home country should be consulted.
Moving Pets to Spain from the United States or Canada
Animals from the USA and Canada may enter Spain if they have:
- a valid Veterinary Certificate (stating owners details, a description of the animal, details of identification and vaccinations)
- valid rabies vaccines
- a tattoo (only accepted in the EU until 3 July 2011) or a microchip (compatible with standard ISO 11784 or annex A ISO standard 11785)
The cage or carrier must be labelled with the owners name, and their (or a nominated person’s) address and contact numbers in Spain.
Once in Spain, a Spanish vet can issue an EU Pet Passport allowing travel within Europe.
- The Canadian Food Inspection Agency website has further information:Click here