Professionals will ensure your pet is fit and ready to make the journey to Spain…

It is essential to ensure that your pet is eligible to travel, not only to or from Spain, but also any other countries it may pass through.

The animal will have to travel in an approved container. It must be big enough for the animal to stand, sit and turn during the journey. The container must allow adequate ventilation.

If the journey is longer than a few hours, food and drink may need to be supplied.

Several train companies, sea ferries and airlines carry caged animals across borders (normally a pet travelling by air will be in the hold). Consult the carrier for details.

Carriers- Spain and the UK

Animals must be transported via approved routes. Euro Tunnel is pet friendly allowing pets to travel in the car.

  • The website has information and check-in procedures: Click here
  • DEFRA provide a list of approved carriers and routes Click here

Travelling with Guide Dogs

Guide dogs for the blind entering Spain must adhere to the same requirements as other domestic pets above.

Once in Spain the service dog has free access to all public buildings and may travel unrestricted on all public transport. The dog should be registered and licensed with the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (Organización Nacional de Ciegos de EspañaONCE).

  • ONCE Website (in English)
  • AEPAAssociación Español de Perros de Assistencia, The Spanish association for assistance dogs: Click here

The UK based Guide Dogs for the Blind association has a set of guidelines for those travelling with the assistance of guide dogs.

  • Guide Dogs information on the Pet Travel Scheme: Click here

Further Information