Who to call if you need advice – or if you are in a position to offer help – in times of personal crisis, drug or alcohol, pregnancy crisis or if you need the Red Cross. With a helpful glossary to Spanish words that may be needed in an emergency…

Below are the contact numbers for Spanish help lines and support groups. Note that there is no guarantee English will be spoken.


Service Contact
Drug Toxicology Helpline Tel: 915 620 420
Federation of Associations for the Assistance to Violated Women (Federción de Asociaciones de Asistencia a Mujeres Violadas) Tel: 915 740 110
Golden Telephone for the Elderly (Telefono Dorado de Atención a la Tercera Edad) Tel: 900 222 223
Information and Complaint Telephone Line for Women (Telefono de Información y Denuncias) 24 hour Tel: 900 191 010
Crisis Line (Teléfono de la Esperanza) Tel: 914 590 050
Cancer Information Line (Infocáncer) Tel: 900 100 036
Lesbian & Gay Helpline Tel: 914 685 032
Minors’ Helpline Tel: 900 202 010
Tel: 917 262 700
Mistreated Women (Mujeres Maltratadas) Tel: 900 100 009
Service for the Victims of Sexual Harassment/Violation (Servicio de Atención a Victimas de Agresiones Sexuales) Tel: 915 740 110
English-language Costa Blanca-based helpline provides free, confidential emotional support. Takes calls from English speakers anywhere in Spain.
Open: Monday to Friday, 19:00-22:00
Tel: 902 88 35 35

Support Groups

Drug addictions

Anti-drugs Agency Tel: 915 809 940
Red Cross Drug Dependency Tel: 914 291 960
Foundation of Help Against Drug Dependency Tel: 900 161 515
Drugs Prevention Tel: 913 659 208

Reception centres for minors

Buen Pastor Tel: 917 418 869
Dominicas Santísimo Sacramento Tel: 913 167 023
El Olivo Tel: 913 889 226
Luis Amigo Tel: 914 727 474
Mensajeros de la Paz Tel: 915 229 528
Nazaret Tel: 914 040 337
Nuevo Futuro Tel: 914 411 198

Spanish Red Cross

The Spanish Red Cross provides help for drug addicts, people affected by HIV, immigrants and the elderly. It runs assistance centres for drug addicts and their families. These centres offer emergency help and psychological assistance, meeting places and shelters, social integration classes, assistance in finding accommodation, treatment for drug addiction, recreational centres and mobile methadone units. Helping minors is a special priority.

  • Red Cross (in Spanish)
    At: Avenida Dr. Federico Rubio y Gali 3, 28039 Madrid
    Tel: 915 336 665 or 915 334 120

Glossary of Emergency Words and Terminology

Accident Accidente
Ambulance Ambulancia
Emergency Urgencia
Emergency services Servicios de urgencia
Emergency Health Services Servicio de Salud-urgencias
Civil Guard Guardia civil
Doctor Médico
Fire Service/Brigade Bomberos
First Aid Posts Casas de Socorro
Heart attack Ataque cardiaco/Infarto
Medical Centres Centros Médicos
Pharmacy Farmacia
Samaritans Teléfono de la Esperanza
Serious Illness Enfermedad Grave