Agreements between European countries and Spain affecting health cover…
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not valid for healthcare in Spain if the holder is a resident of Spain.
European Conventions and Form S1 (former E121 and E106)
A person who has paid regular social security contributions in another EU country for two full years before coming to Spain can benefit from public health cover for a limited period, from the date of their last social security contribution made in the other EU country.
To do this, it is necessary to obtain Form S1 (former E106) and present it to the local Social Security office in Spain. Pensioners and those in receipt of invalidity benefits must obtain the Form S1 (formerly E121) from their home country’s social security administration.
Retired EU Citizens living in Spain
EU nationals who have reached the retirement age as established in their home country, and are residents in Spain qualify for free health care provided they have a Form S1 (former E121), obtained from the former country of residence.