Overview of where to go and what to do if you are mobility, sight or hearing impaired, a wheelchair or cane user and living in or visiting Madrid…

Most crossings on the streets of Madrid have wheelchair ramps. The crossings are also equipped with beeping devices for the sight impaired.

Most of Madrid’s main attractions have disabled access, and some of them offer wheelchairs for hire.


About half of the underground stops in Madrid are suitable for wheelchair access. It is possible to obtain a metro map showing which stops have disabled access at any metro station or at tourist offices.


A special company, called Eurotaxi, offer cabs with disabled access. It is possible to book one of these taxis 24 hours a day:

  • It is possible to book one of these taxis 24 hours a day:
    Tel: 915 478 600 or 915 478 200

Bus and suburban trains

The Madrid bus service does not have facilities for disabled people. The suburban trains, on the other hand, have a company policy to accommodate disabled passengers.

Associations for the disabled and mobility reduced in Madrid

FAMMA has information about services, events, sports and facilities.

  • FAMMA (in Spanish)
    At: Calle Galileo 69, 28015 Madrid
    Tel: 915 933 550
    Fax: 915 939 243

ONCE is a foundation dedicated to employment projects for disabled people. The website, in both Spanish and English, offers information about accessibility, employment, projects and much more:

  • ONCE 
    At: Calle S. Herrera 15, Madrid
    Tel: 915 058 888
  • Fundación ONCE (information for the blind)
    At: Avenida La Universidad 20, 28011 Leganes
    Tel: 916 803 301
    And also at: Colón 2, 28931 Mostoles
    Tel: 916 175 033

Discapnet provides information for disabled people.

  • Discapnet (in Spanish)
    : Calle Albasanz 16 (Edificio Antalia) Planta 3 B1 (Fundosa Teleservicios), 29037 Madrid
    Tel: 911 210 330/46/60
    Fax: 913 757 051

COCEMFE (Confederación Coordinadora Estatal de Minusválidos Físicos de España) is a non-governmental organisation that promotes improvement of living conditions of disabled people in Spain.

Their website offers information about employment, projects, subventions, curses and more:

  • COCEMFE (in Spanish)
    : Calle Luis Cabrera 63, 28002 Madrid
    Tel: 917 443 600

CERMI (Spanish National Council of Disabled Representatives) represents, defends and acts on behalf of Spanish citizens with disabilities (more than 3.5 million) and their families.

  • See their English-language website for information: Click here (in English)

The FEDMF (Spanish Sports Federation for the Physical Disabled) has a website that features information about sports, events and more:

  • FEDMF (in Spanish)
    : Calle Ferraz 16, 28008 Madrid
    Tel: 915 471 718
    Fax: 915 419 961
Article includes contribution by Anette Kelf of Jacks Lifts Tel: 965 831 021 / e-mail Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved