Imperial/American to Metric (Fahrenheit to Celsius/centigrade) conversions for length and area, air, body and oven temperatures, and US to UK to European clothing size conversion tables…


Length, Area, Weight, Volume Conversion

Imperial/US to Metric: Length
1 inch 2.54 centimetres (cm)
1 foot (ft) 12 inches (in) 0.3048 metre (m)
1 yard (yd) 3 ft 0.9144 m
1 mile 1,760 yd 1.60934 kilometres (km)
1 int nautical mile 2025.4 yd 1852 m
Metric to Imperial/US: Length
1 centimetre (cm) 10 millimetres (mm) 0.3937 in
1 m 100 cm 1.0936 yd / 3.38 ft / 39.37 in
1 kilometre (km) 1000 m 0.62137 mile / 5/8ths of a mile
Imperial/US to Metric: Area
1 in2 645.16 mm2
1 yd2 9 ft2 0.8361 m2
1 acre 4,840 yd2 4046.86 m2 / 0.405 hectare
1 mile2 640 acres 2.590  km2
Metric to Imperial/US: Area
1 cm2 100 mm2 0.1550  in2
1 metre2 square 10,000 cm2 1.1960 yd2
1 hectare (ha) 10,000 m2 2.471 acres
1 km2 100 ha 0.3861 mile2
Imperial/US to Metric: Weight Metric to Imperial: Weight
1 ounce 28.35 gram 1 gram 0.035 ounce
1 pound 453.59 gram 1 kilogram 2.2 pounds
Imperial/US to Metric: Volume Metric to Imperial: Volume
1 US pint 0.473 litres 1 litre 33.2 US / 35.2 Imperial fl ounces
1 Imperial pint 0.568 litres 1 litre 2.11 US / 1.76 Imperial pints
1 cup 0.237 litres 1 litre 4.228 cups


Temperature and Energy Conversion

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (degrees F – 32) x 0.555 degrees C
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (degrees C x 1.8) + 32 degrees F
Water Boils at 212° F 100° C
Normal body temperature 98.6° F 37° C
Water Freezes at 32° F 0° C
Room temperature 68° F 20° C
Air Temperatures: degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F)
0° C = 32° F 5° C = 41° F 10° C = 50° F 15° C = 59° F
20° C = 68° F 25° C = 77° F 30° C = 86° F 35° C = 95° F
Oven Temperatures
Gas Mark Celsius (C) Fahrenheit (F) Description
1/2 130 ° C 250 ° F Very Slow
1 140 ° C 275 ° F Very Slow
2 150 ° C 300 ° F Slow
3 170 ° C 325 ° F Slow
4 177 ° C 350 ° F Moderate
5 190 ° C 375 ° F Moderate
6 200 ° C 400 ° F Moderately Hot
7 220 ° C 425 ° F Hot
8 230 ° C 450 ° F Hot
9 245 ° C 475 ° F Hot
10 260 ° C 500 ° F Extremely Hot
Simple conversion formula: to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit minus 2, times 2, plus 32.

Energy Units
KWh (Kilowatt-hours) BTU (British Thermal Unit)
1,000 kWh 3.41 million BTU
0.000293071 kWh 1 BTU
Several online converters help with complex energy conversions:

Clothing and Shoe Conversion

Women’s suits and dresses
USA/American UK/British Euro/Spain
6 8 36 / Small
8 10 38 / Small
10 12 40 / Med
12 14 42 / Med
14 16 44 / Large
16 18 46 / Xtra-Large
Women’s Shoes
6 4.5 37
6.5 5 38
7.5 6 39
8 6.5 40
8.5 7 41
Men’s Suits and Overcoats
36 36 46
38 38 48
40 40 50
42 42 52
44 44 54
Men’s Trousers
28 28 71
30 30 76
32 32 81
34 34 87
36 36 92
38 38 97
40 40 102
42 42 107
44 44 112
Men’s Shoes
8 7.5 41
8.5 8 42
9.5 9 43
10 9.5 44
Children’s Clothes
USA/American UK/British (height in inches) Euro/Spain (height in cm)
4 43 109
6 48 122
8 55 140
10 58 147
12 60 147
14 62 157
  • For conversions of infant and child clothes and shoes from US to European standard sizes see website Size Guide: Children’s sizes

Euro children’s shoe sizes are measured in centimetres; 1cm=1 size.